Tuesday, March 19, 2019

‘Ray Donovan’s Pooch Hall Escapes Jail With DUI & Child Endangerment Plea Deal

The clan of Ray Donovan is going to get to stick together thanks to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

In a plea deal unveiled in LA Superior Court today in Pasadena, Marion “Pooch” Hall won’t be facing a potential six-years behind bars for charges of driving under the influence and endangering his two-year old son last fall.

Instead, the actor who has played half-brother Daryll Donovan on Showtime’s Liev Schreiber-led Hollywood fixer series since its first season saw his child endangerment felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor. That move from prosecutor Deputy D.A. Lisa Tanner resulted in Hall receiving  three years probation and having his driver’s license suspended for six months. Add to that and his no-contest plea Tuesday, Hall has to enter into a three-month alcohol abuse seminar and complete a one-year parenting class.

All of which means, the upcoming seventh season of the Ann Biderman-created show won’t suffer the loss of a major character deep into its run. Season 7 of Ray Donovan is scheduled to go into production this summer, I hear – with Hall on board

Hall was arrested on the evening of October 3 after smashing his Chrysler 300 sedan into a parked car in Burbank. At the time, the actor’s son was seen in the car with him without a seatbelt on and, at least for a time, sitting in his lap. Held at the scene of the incident, Hall was taken in by the cops for child endangerment and a DUI. He was later released on a $100,000 bond.

Back on October 25, 2018, Hall entered a “not guilty” plea in LASC in Burbank and was released on a $100,000 bail. The actor who plays a boxer and driver on Donovan was also required to start attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and put himself in an outpatient program –which he did.

The day before D.A. Jackie Lacey’s office slapped Hall with one felony count of child abuse plus “one misdemeanor count each of driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and driving with a .08 percent blood alcohol content.” A combination of the felony and the misdemeanors has a maximum sentence of six years in a state facility.

Which is not a ring that Hall clearly wanted to get into, and now doesn’t have too.



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